Put a bunch of screaming people in an underground facility with monsters, and you got yourself a great game !

When I first discovered this game, I knew I'd be playing it all night

THE best mod for Portal 2. That's it, that's the review

I actually played it after finishing Portal 2 ! Ain't it peculiar ?

Plague Inc is one of the best simulation/strategy games to exist

I love doing some ghost hunting with friends !

I really should not like playing this game this much

I liked it, it was not much and sometimes there was cheap scares, but it was good overall

Not For Broadcast is a game where you feel how the dev LOVED what they were doing, hoping for even more content coming from them !

What to say about No Man's Sky that hasn't been said yet ? A game which started ta the bottom and made it's way up on the gaming pantheon !

This review was written before the game released

This game had a future, it was fun and fast paced, but now I just feel like it's only for some quick cash

I love the Metro series, and as a first introduction, I was surprised by how well it was made !

The ambiance of this game manages to convey the same feeling the Liquidators must have felt

This game made me realize that I could keep my PC on for three days straight and it would still be fine