i had waited for this to come out for years having grown up with borderlands 2. i bought the game day one and unlike others i did really enjoy it i played through the game exploring the now new different planets instead of just Pandora which i think was a cool addition to the series. Its no where near as good as borderlands 2 but has its own charms to it the movement is the best the series has ever had. the only downside for me is the story of the game many others agree with me that the characters introduced in the story are just annoying and boring at times. plus the deaths of some fan favourite characters where just un-necessary in my opinion but apart from that the endgame is very fun and there is alot of guns and content in the game like usual. The soundtrack also has some very good tracks that made moments in the game feel badass. The dlc in the game also make up for a good time if you pick them up. Dlc 3 being my favourite