One of the greatest games of all time. Best metriodvania, amazing art, cool side characters, amazing to explore locations, fun to explore, and the bosses are a treat. Ive 100% the game and would do it again


My favorite rougelike as of now (havent played a lot of rougelikes) amazing art, cool characters, and i love how they have some aspects of greek mythology correct and how they interpret the ancient scriptures with these types of characters

My favorite open world game even better than rdr2 in that aspect with very fun bosses to fight and amazing lore with breathtaking areas that you can explore every nook and cranny in

Extremely fun game and its a thrill to swing around NY and being able to play as both characters is fun with so many customizable styles but the game does feel like a drag sometimes with the mary jane stealth parts and the combat doesn’t have the best flow but is still enjoyable