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Put on your strongest reddit retardants and get ready to rummage through drawers like it's 2006 while being subjected to high-larious Rick & Morty improv by courtesy of the writers of Portal 2 and Firewatch in this revolutionary take on the light gun genre that's revolutionary because... It just is okay!!! Shooting at glowing Lost Planet™ weakspots on enemies that were meticulously designed and playtested by Valve's top-of-the-line QA (the best blind paraplegics in the business) is the way of the future. Not to mention, there's never before been a first-person shooter where you can write/draw obscenities on a whiteboard that also just so happens to be a long overdue installment in a series that was left hanging for over a decade, because unlike Duke Nukem Forever this has time travel multiverse epicness (just like all your favorite marbel mobies) in order to help undo that pesky cliffhanger ending from 2007 in favor of a lamer one that'll definitely get resolved in the immediate near-future. Played this sepsis inducing Resident Evil 7 total conversion mod with a mouse & keyboard because I was too lazy to go dust off and set up the intended hardware (a wiimote), sorry but I'm not sorry Gaben! My favorite part of this was the snark subjected to Alyx's cut content jar.