Mega Man fans are too receptive to Capcom's bullshit. Their sheer incompetence during the 7th gen has been well-documented, and all they've done since to rectify their countless missteps is a single Mega Man game. Despite the fanbase turning around and making MM11 the best-selling game in the franchise, we're at 5 years since its release, the 35th anniversary has came and went and Capcom has shown no sign of a new game. Instead, we got X Dive.

Now unlike most people, I'm no stranger to gacha games. I've tried many, and I've enjoyed many. As a result of my lack of seething hatred for them, I was more hopeful than most when the game was first announced. I went into it with an open mind, lasted about a week, and then dropped it out of boredom. It's not a good gacha game, nor is it an acceptable Mega Man game by any stretch of the imagination. Haphazard level design that felt AI-generated. Grindy progression that is simultaneously boring and tedious. Borderline incomprehensible english translation. From head to toe, the game hardly had any redeeming factors. Playing as various characters across the entire franchise would be neat, if not for the fact that playing the game itself is a complete slog. I would genuinely rather beat X6 and X7 back-to-back than consider booting this garbage up again. And then they had the gall to charge 30 bucks for this slop, despite essentially just removing the gacha system and leaving the rest of the game's myriad problems. You can buy entire series' in the franchise for that price.

The existence of the game is damn near insulting. Hell, we can't even say the game is funding new projects, like the Star Ocean gacha or Fate/Grand Order did, given the game failed and died after a woeful 2-3 years (and there are no new projects to speak of). Not to mention they're making and selling NFTs to promote it too.

It's basically another episode of Bad Boxart Mega Man. The fanservice at least could've been cool if it weren't for Capcom's continued incompetence and the franchise circling the drain. And if I hear one more Capcom cockguzzler say "this should be the standard for mobages", you're gonna see me on the evening news.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023


9 months ago

jay eazy has done more for mega man in the past 4 years than capcom has

9 months ago

tldr; seethe induced theory crafting

9 months ago


6 months ago

X9cels seething over DiveChads

1 month ago

I really wish no new Mega Man game ever comes out ever again. Capcom could release X9 tomorrow that petty fans would be like "oh my god capcom doens't care about megaman anymore!" in just 2 months, when it's a series that has over 100 games and no need to have a new one.

1 month ago

@killb It's not petty dawg they've released 2 games in 14 years and one of them is a dogshit mobile game. This is just a reasonable response! I don't even hate mobile games, despite popular belief they aren't ontologically evil pieces of tech developed solely to control the masses. X Dive is just really ass and it's insulting since we've got so little for so long. Resident Evil and Monster Hunter got like 20 1000 hour long games, should they never get a game again? Imagine if Fromsoft took 5 more years to make an Armored Core game and it was the worst game in the franchise, that would sting wouldn't it? And it would be especially obnoxious to see their #1 dickriders go "erm... you already have a ton of games, why would you want another one?" as they play their 8th Soulslike.