Remember playing this game for the first time and being absolutely spooked by one of those walking Guardians in Hyrule Field sneaking up on me. When I turned around my first thought was "Omnidroid from The Incredibles?"

Absolutely the worst 2d Sonic game ever without contest, maybe even the worst Sonic game ever period. Bootleg feeling controls, boring special stages, the ugliest pre rendered graphics ever and a laughably pathetic final boss to finish it off. It's really the whole package.

Can't believe how Blue Marine actually makes Labyrinth Zone look magnificent in comparison.

Really want to rate it higher, but the game sadly shoots itself in the foot hard once you reach Press Factory and only has scattered fun moments beyond that point, with a lot of the bosses being miserably long experiences that'd make Sonic Rush blush.

Sucks because almost everything before that zone was genuinely a ton of fun, designed well and the bosses weren't too obnoxious at that point. Game does control great overall too and Trip is so endearing. Tails' new flight descend alone also gives the game bonus points.

Could've easily had one of the best 2d Sonic games on our hands if it didn't lose it's steam so it's a little disappointing, but maybe I'll warm up to it overtime slightly who knows?

Character design peaked with these lil space mice.

I want official plushes of them desperately.

Finished up the post game on my recent save because I have a sudden urge to play White 2 again.

Tad overrated honestly. While I love Unova's dex, I'm just not fond of the choice to only focus on them for the main game and the post game actually makes me miserable due to how horribly unfun the trainers are to fight due to their high levels. N also talks too much.

Overall though they're still damn solid games that got a lot right. Can't go wrong with them when they gave us Driftveil City and such charming limited 3d afterall. Also Cinccino.

Sorta fun and very vibrant for Game Gear title, though really should've calmed down on all the bouncy objects and tubes. The obsession with them in the later zones is concerning.

Sunk more hours into this game than I'm afraid to admit and each update has only made it better. The addition of the spindash and that new strangely touching ending easily making the game worthy of an extra point alone.

Master King Koco can eat a tire though.

My road to Superstars only consisted of this and hearing that pure Gameboy Advance, crunchy, blissful OST again... Good times.

Basically the next 2048, except this is actually oddly addicting and has more strategy involved.

Still kinda basic af though and the games' music will drive you kinda mad if you play for too long.

Janky, buggy, subpar looking mess that unfortunately didn't have enough time in the oven due to stupid higher ups who keep wanting the yeary mainline Pokèmon schedule. You've probably seen people highlight all this stuff online already at this point and you know things aren't right when there's clips of character models basically turning into slenderman looking people. However, despite it all... It's fun! Like, way more than it has any right to be.

Loved so many of the new creatures they introduced this generation (Tinkaton and Sprigatito line my beloved), plus just exploring Paldea, doing online raids and alternating between the different stories kept me super engaged. Then you reach the endgame which oh my gosh is easily one of, if not the best of all the mainline Pokèmon titles. Everything involving Area Zero and Professor Turo goes so unbelievably hard, with the ending getting me a little emotional too which shocked me as only the PMD games have managed to do that prior.

Still wish it had way more polish and didn't have to release only 10 months after the previous title, but I can't lie when I say I really enjoyed what was here.

Not only one of the best April Fools pranks of all time, but unironically a super enjoyable game too with an engaging mystery, lovely presentation and characterization that just feels spot on to me. More of this please Sega.

Also the whole Chao egg heist portion of the game alone was comedic gold and the mc is such a dork. Dude thought eating a bomb was a good idea.