Better than Super Monkey Ball tbqh

What if Deadly Premonition had the aesthetic of a middle-eastern newspaper comic

what if Bust-A-Move didn't have a soul

K: "Hello, Potion Seller, I am going into battle and I want your strongest potions."

PS: "My potions are too strong for you, traveler."

K: "Potion Seller, I tell you I am going into battle, and I want only your strongest potions."

PS: "You can't handle my potions. They're too strong for you."

K: "Potion Seller, listen to me; I want only your strongest potions."

PS: "My potions would kill you, traveler. You cannot handle my potions."

K: "Potion Seller, enough of these games. I'm going into battle and I need your strongest potions."

PS: "My strongest potions would kill you, traveler. You can't handle my strongest potions. You'd better go to a seller that sells weaker potions."

K: "Potion Seller, I'm telling you right now; I'm going into battle and I need only your strongest potions."

PS: "You don't know what you ask, traveler. My strongest potions will kill a dragon, let alone a man. You need a seller that sells weaker potions, because my potions are too strong."

K: "Potion Seller, I'm telling you I need your strongest potions. I'm going into battle! I'm going to battle and I need your strongest potions!"

PS: "You can't handle my strongest potions! No one can! My strongest potions aren't fit for a beast let alone a man."

K: "Potion Seller, what do I have to tell you to get your potions? Why won't you trust me with your strongest potions, Potion Seller? I need them if I'm to be successful in the battle!"

PS: "I can't give you my strongest potions because my strongest potions are only for the strongest beings and you are of the weakest."

K: "Well then that's it, Potion Seller. I'll go elsewhere. I'll go elsewhere for my potions."

PS: "That's what you'd better do."

K: "I'll go elsewhere for my potions and I'll never come back!"

PS: "Good. You're not welcome here! My potions are only for the strongest and you're clearly are not of the strongest you're clearly the weakest."

K: "You've had your say, Potion Seller but I'll have mine. You're a rascal, you're a rascal with no respect for knights. No respect for anything... except your potions!"

PS: "Why respect knights... when my potions can do anything that you can."

Probably one of the best games on the NES
It's disgustingly good, and even better than the first

Terrible, but eminently memorable due to its bizarre Tower of Druaga logic

Fun game, love a good brick breaker, guy who wrote it is a weirdo so I pirated

Like somebody put Mario and all three of the GBA Castlevanias into the two teleporter pods from The Fly, and turned the teleporter off mid-transformation so their bodies combined into a horrific chimera
It's excellent, the kind of weird fanservice-y thing Nintendo would never have the balls to make, and it feels like if it wasn't so dependent on the two series, they could've justified selling this game on Steam
But it is dependent on those two series, and it's absolutely incredible for it, it's the length of a proper official game and it's properly in-depth with its enemy variety
It has Goombfalloon
It has Luigi in the role of Maxim from HoD
It's a loving homage to every GBA Castlevania, SotN, and the Mario pantheon
A spectacular argument for the abolishment of "intellectual property", imagine the world we'd live in if everybody felt free to create something like Mariovania
Play it if you have a soft spot for one or both the parents of this illegitimate child

Better story mode than its sequel, but a less comprehensive roster

Holy shit that soundtrack though

the presence of "Mighty the Armadillo" bumps this half a star over the original game
why? I don't know, there's just something about Chocolate Sonic that I like, maybe it's his color scheme

Don't let the title fool you, this game has more in common with a game of curling than it does Burnout, or perhaps one of those coin pusher arcade machines
It shares similarities in its "cause the most financial destruction by shooting a single object into a bunch of other objects" conceit as Sony's PSN-exclusive game "PAIN", but chooses to keep its humor more low-key and less late-2000s random
This game would have been a really good ticket game in the arcades, as in, a game that spits out the yellow tickets you use for the gift shop, or perhaps a phone game
But it's doomed to be abandoned on 7th gen PS3/XBLA shop, as yet another too-different offshoot of a previously thriving and currently dormant series