Although still a polished fighter in some ways, they again revamped the Striker system rendering it almost unusable yet again, and even though every SNK's final bosses had some unfair behavior, the final duo now is literally impossible to beat unless you use the cheap advantages the game give you when inserting another coin.

This game is an absolute delight. The striker system was revamped and is very satisfying to use, the new villains and characters are all good to play with and against, and the Another and Maniac Strikers are pure fanservice fest, you even have old Princess Athena and G-Mantle, old SNK's mascot in play(his mask was Neo Geo's logo)

The new protagonist is too edgy and the striker system is very boring to use, it doesn't fit into KOF's quicker combat

This game is very, very beautiful, and presents a new bold concept with interesting newcomers, but fails in its execution due to the clunky ring bond with your partner, and playing it on co-op doesn't make it less frustrating

Fails to show something new after III, but it's still a great game with great atmosphere, although the new characters aren't that interesting

It has its fair share of fun, although the level design in the water stages gave me some headaches

An excellent platformer and revival of a pretty much dormant franchise. The OST and chase sequence levels are something out of this world.

This game is Super Mario in quality terms, unfortunately under the prejudice of being a Ubisoft game, it definitely has way less attention than it deserves. An outstanding platformer.

This is my confort hard platformer action NES game, and playing it on co-op adds a welcome extra flavor.

Its idea to present a new generation of fighters with a whole new roster was very risky and it did pay off, it's not the best game in the series but it was bold, fun and beautiful, specially the scenarios and special animations.


This game uses combat, puzzles and platforming all to its favor in order to make a highly fun game to play with people you like.

This is pretty much the same game as before, it's obvious SNK realized this game would never hit and that's why we never heard about this anymore.

No relevant story, charismatic characters or great gameplay additions make this a pretty pointless game, specially compared to RB or RB Special.

This is peak gameplay, having no story or newcomers gave SNK the right deadline to polish the moves and make this a brilliant FG.

It's a slower and more realistic approach to a Samurai Shodown-like game, but fails to have the same charm in characters and atmosphere.