Hitman 2016

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enjoyed my time with this series of shallow slapstick playgrounds well enough but not well enough to really bother scrawling anything exploratory about the game itself!!! What i do want 2 say is that I continue to be really confused by the jarring contrast between something like Hitman's reception and the incurious disdain people have for Quantic Dream joints, because the choose your own adventure-style structural rigidity and corny netflix-ified cinematic aspirations of both teams are really not all that different!!!!! Look I 100% get taking political/mechanical/directorial umbrage with David Cage's work but also cant help but marge simpson groan at the way so many people thoughtlessly celebrate equally fraught games (in general, not even specifically talking about Hitman here) with no sense of awareness, using something like Detroit as an ideological whipping boy to absolve themselves of perceived complicity despite its admittedly infantile notions about racial/revolutionary politics being like, literally the violent cultural boilerplate and not some uniquely grotesque cringe failure! This is also a politically sloppy series full of questionable racial/gender depictions and a lot more faux-prestige cinemawanking "interactive movie" elements, CYOA routing, and schticky preordained scenarios than many admit so like... why is something like Detroit so uniquely fucking abhorrent from an interactivity perspective!!! Not to even go to bat for a noxious cornball doofus like David Cage but it irritates moi that Hitman and many other titles have sooo many exalting reveries about the brilliant structure of play whereas almost no structural assessments of Detroit exist without an intense haze of hyperbolic projection and unnecessary personal distancing. There's a lot in common going on here and tbh I think the way some of these similar mechanics and structures manifest in QD projects is way more successful and elegant than the "select chosen route and follow the oversignaled breadcrumb trail between story nodes to the divergent kill, then replay" shit here!!!!!!! Cringe about press x to jason and other prefab moments of hackish film-blocking as contextual gesture in HR all you want but IMO the failed illusion of opportunity and spontaneity in Hitman is a way more offensive sin! at least "interactive movie CYOA" games know full well what they are and don't build these elaborate and hollow palaces of obfuscation that only serve to disappoint once the presumption of opportunity sours. god why am i writing about david cage on this site at all let alone on a totally unrelated page about Hitman i'm going to lock myself in a slaughterhouse freezer forever bye