Favorite Gaming Moments

Might contain SPOILERS for these games.

What is a "gaming moment?" For me it's a short moment in a game, perhaps between a 5-10 minute long sequence (although this isn't a strict number) that was particularly epic or left a lasting impression impression on me. I am trying to remember my favorite moments in gaming and will catalog them here.

God of War has several moments. I think seeing Jörmungandr for the first time and hearing his voice echo across my entire headset was the greatest one, though.
The entire game up the ending was just "ok." Me and my friend weren't particularly impressed but we were having enough fun with it. But man, the ending went HARD and completely took us by surprise. My friend and I have played dozens of co-op games together, but none of them prepared us for the betrayal and duel in the end. We were both playfully (but also semi-seriously) yelling "you were my brother, Anakin!" and other absurdities at each other while we were gunning each other down. It was also really close, which just shows how in-tune with gaming him and I are. He ended barely beating me in the end.
There are many different moments in KH worthy of this list, but I think the best is the boss gauntlet at the end of KH2. The multiple layers of the Xehanort boss fight is so grand and legendary and there aren't any other boss fights that compare.
The twist ending was the "I am your father" moment of my childhood.
I played the entire campaign with 3 friends in high school. When Dom died you could hear a pin drop in our voice chat, we were all so taken aback and emotional.


The Warthog Run in Halo 3 still lives rent free in my head even 15+ years later.
The Siege of Yarikawa was a stunning experience. The entire buildup was just incredible. From being hated by this community, to having them cheering you on as "The Ghost," to unlocking Ghost Form for the first time... It gives me chills just thinking about it.


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