This game disarranged my 29 year old brain the same way that Inception did to my 19 year old brain. A puzzle inside of a puzzle inside of a puzzle. The puzzles were excellently designed, perfectly balanced for challenge, and even though (for me) it required a good bit of brainpower they were never felt frustrating. I have a naturally good sense of direction, but I feel as though if you don't you would really struggle with this one. I never died during a boss fight, though they weren't easy, which is exactly the right amount of challenge for my peak enjoyment. There were a couple of out-of-place rhythm puzzles that were annoying, though.

I thought this game was gorgeous. I was constantly taken aback by the beauty of this game. There were so many cool things to look at and each world had its own distinct style and feel.

Also need to shout this games technical aspects. The engine was excellently utilized; god, I love when games have zero loading screens. I don't know how they were able to have all 5 levels coexist at once, switching between all of them in a moments notice.

The story was almost nonexistent, or at least so subtle and vague that it completely missed me. I'm sure the devs had something to say with this, I'm just not sure what it was. I have been wracking my brain for a while about it. The game didn't need a story for me to enjoy it, but it may've held the game back a smidge for me.


Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
