This kind of game is like PapaJaeger catnip. I just gobble this stuff up. What starts off as a quirky, seemingly innocent puzzle solver ends up having an emotional ending that really challenges your... perspective. Puns aside, this is exactly the kind of game I like when looking for something short and sweet.

There was a lot to love with this game. The puzzles were weird and unique and were handled exceptionally well by a well designed engine. I'm not even sure how it's possible to code something like this. The levels were really well designed and felt unique from one another. The game also has a fantastic sense of humor; I laughed out loud on several occasions.

It felt thematically influenced by Portal (and even mechanically at parts) with it's inventive puzzles and kooky sense of humor. Portal will always remain king of this particular sub-genre, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm glad there are still devs out there making games like this.


Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023
