Nintendo just knows how to put a smile on my face. I've been playing Mario for my entire gaming life, since the 90's, and I can't believe they are still finding ways to make this series of games unique and inventive. This game oozes creativity. It was quirky and didn't take itself seriously and was just there to have a good time.

The controls did take some getting used to. In this day and age I'm used to much tighter movement in my sidescrollers but I did get used to the relative smoothness of it. The game featured levels just for challenge, and levels just for the sake of making a joke, and I think it balanced both of these feelings well.

I don't play Mario games for the story mainly because they're pretty straightforward and uncomplicated, but I think that's okay sometimes. Every now and then I'm in the mood for something simpler.

Once again, I am leaving this Mario game with a smile on my face, and I think it's special that this series can continue to do so after all this time.


Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
