What starts off as a seemingly straightforward puzzle solver quickly ramps up in challenge and distinctiveness. I was shocked by how much they were able to keep these puzzles fresh throughout the game; each new sequence had a new gimmick that added to the complexity. It also featured some truly unique boss fights, something else I wasn't expecting from a little indie puzzle solver.

I was surprised by how much this game tested the PS5's hardware; there were thousands of NPCs on the screen at once that all had their own thing going on, no loading screens, and no performance drops at all. And the controls were smooth. I also still love the PS5 controller and the variable vibrations; it had this cool vibrating effect when the subtitles scrolled across the screen that matched perfectly with the little sound effect they made.

With games like these I feel compelled to complete all of the sub-objectives within the puzzle. In this case, collecting Goldy's. It adds a lot more challenge, but that's usually what I'm looking for with these types of games. By the time I beat the game, I only needed another 30 minutes or so to get Platinum so I went for it.

The biggest criticism I would have is that the challenge levels were inconsistent. There were a few puzzles that gave me literal headaches from trying to big brain my way through it, only to follow up with one of the easiest puzzles in the game.

Overall, this was exactly the kind of game I needed right now - a light but challenging puzzle solver with an easily digestible story. I could recommend this game to almost anyone who likes puzzles.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2023
