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1 day

Last played

August 17, 2023

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is everything i’ve ever wanted from a Star Wars game and then some. Ever since i was a little kid i’ve always wanted a star wars game with the best combat, wonderful force powers, an amazing story, and a cast of characters to truly care about. Jedi: Fallen Order almost gave me all of that, the only thing it lacked for me was the force powers, and i thought the story wasn’t anything extraordinary. Jedi: Survivor takes everything Fallen Order did and does it even better. The combat is vastly improved with new lightsaber styles, new attacks, and many new force attacks. The story in this game is absolutely phenomenal, by far one of the best Star Wars stories ever told. The boss fights in this game are top tier, i could easily call the last 3-4 boss fights some of the best i’ve ever played. The core movement in this game is especially improved with new abilities like the air dash, which makes parkour so much more fun. the graphics are also phenomenal, yes it’s no secret that this game had a rocky launch when it came to graphics, there were an insane amount of frame drops, screen tearing, and other small visual bugs even on high end pcs and consoles, but playing the game recently has shown just how much the devs have been attempting to get rid of these issues, recently i’ve seen little to no frame drops or screen tearing at all. the set pieces are all gorgeous, there were often moments on planets like Koboh or Jedha that i’d often just have to pause for a while and take in the gorgeous views.

Overall Jedi: Survivor is an absolute masterpiece, despite its rocky launch it managed to come back harder than ever and absolutely blow me away. Without a doubt one of my favorite games ever.