This game is kinda disappointing. Ok so the one thing I DID enjoy the game was that some of the characters were memorable. The interactions were more interesting, the web of characters being connected was really fun to piece, and Jessie is just trying her best. I think this game leans a bit too much into campiness with its scenarios and some characters. WHiel I do think it did introduce some really cool strategic elements into the game, like having items matter a lot more into date composition, and baggage did bring another element into the setup, I just didn't find the game as fun as the first one. I was especially disappointed with the music not grabbing my attention too. Oh well, I still have the babes like Lailani

Pretty fun horror game. I like that its puzzle esque and I do want to learn more about the story and its characters. Its pretty funny seeing the MC in a lifegaurd outfit, he kinda rocks it. I definitely want to unpack more of this game

An overall improvement to the previous game. This game has a heavier story, with the MC talking, its actually kinda crazy. The music is even better. The combat is even better. There is more strategy witht eh demons. I actuaally made a notepad because it was really exciting learning more about this. There is more party memebers and they aare relevant to the game. I like the more dynamic maps and sci fi setting. This game still has a bit of a slow down like its predecessor, but I found it to be less annoying and time consuming. There are like 50 stages to thsi game and I am currently at half way. Honestly, charming and memorable when looked back at it

There is a charm to this game. Its got classic JRPG style in fantasy world. I initally really liked the music, I really liked teh feeling I had with the game when I was playing it. The gameplay was fast and punchy. The NPCs contribute enough for me to feel immersed in the world. My god I love the ice stage. I think the bosses were challenging and introduced slight gimmicks that made their fights more memorable. I think its an easy game to start and play, but hard to finish when the final stage feels like progression really slows down

Well now that marsh has put his video on it, i wholehearted agree. This game has some of the best music in the franchise and has its own style taht I honestly really like. There isnt a huge purpose as to what is happening for most of the beginning parts of the game, but alas I don't think I'l ever get to finishing it because even though the combat itself is rather fun, its a slow ass game. ANd so it really kills enjoyment despite having a wonderful soundtrack and actual good combat

I think the worst thing this game suffers from is just how anime it looks. WHich is why I gave it meh visuals and sound. I don't feel like i remember berseria because of its overall aesthetic, and I think thats probably what might deter me from other tales games. What I DO remember from berseria is how much I actually like the characters and how sick Velvet Crowe as a name and design is. I want to continue playing this game because I have a LOT of fun watching these characters interact with each other and I am curious how the story unfolds. I think playing it is engaging enough and nothing about the gameplay is particularly unappealling. I do want to eventually play more of this game

Man playing this game is so much fun. Its one of those games I can see myself getting periodically intereested in. Its both calming and really engaging. The mods on this make this game pretty fun and its always funny seeing anime girls just killing it. I think the biggest problem with this game is that early game is so much more fun than late game. Maybe when i tinker around i'll see an improvement to AI later

My favorite fighting game. Its just terumi. Terumi is too much fun and his character is just so cool because of his voice. I love terumi. I can see myself occassionally hopping on to this game when I want something fast paced and quick.

Akatsuki is cool. I feel like this game is just very solid. I think its overall aesthetic is nice and I really like the music. I feel like the gameplay isn't bad, but it does lean more onto fundamental fighting game stuff.

Very challenging, snappy, and pretty engaging. It looks cool, but is quite sample and not too extravagant. The story feels like its some bullshit, but thats ok.HOWEVER, I think that once the game goes underground, my enjoyment on it quickly goes down. I much prefered fighting the human opponents than the demons. I really fell off after 2 levels of being underground because i felt the enemies were generic looking and were not very fun to fight against. Its a shame. The final score of this game represents the whole package, but if i was to rate the game before that, I think this is a solid B+

Surprisingly really fun. Its got just the right amount of campiness with its characters. I think they were an overall pretty good edition to the game. The gameplay is phenomenal, another strategic game that is also laid back allowing for me to just think and take my time and see the rewards right in front of me. The music was so calming, I espeically really like Vinnie's Restaurant. Somehow this game really made it into my top 20 because of just how fun it is and how engrossed I got playing it. Also its a lil more fun knowing theres some fucking in it. Thats always cool

I haven't felt so engrossed in a game's concept more than this. I love how integrated the game's story and its gameplay is. Each route you learn something new about the story, characters, and concepts. I never felt like the game had too much downtime unlike something like say Danganronpa, I always felt like it was an appropriate mix of interaction and visual novel. For someone who has a harder time enjoying dialogue/novel heavier games, I think my high praise of this game shows just how much I think it is worth playing this game despite my gaming preferences. Excellent game.

Its basically Ys1. Not much has changed except this time there is magic (at lesat i don't remember magic being present in the first game). Its narrative is more straightforward. A lot of my thoughts remain the same. I still think it has cool music, cool levels, but its final section is incredibly long and put me off.

I think this game is charming as hell. It nails its aesthetic so well and is complmented by a rich cast of characters. These characters area all memorable in their own aspect. Va11ha11a has already made an impact in the general anime gaming sphere and is well known. I hope to see more art of it, and maybe I will return when I am not a loser to my own unwillingness to sit still and read