Toda la franquicia.
Me parece una basura innecesariamente violenta y perversa. Tachenme de periodista si quieren, me chupa un huevo, pero no le veo la gracia ver tanto gore mientras se pelea, por favor. Y encima esta franquicia la juega gente desde chiquitita. Unas ganas de perturbarse la mente tienen enfermos del orto.

que paja que virgitos que jugaban este juego me hayan filtrado el numero de telefono 8v

super mario if it was fun
also very nostalgic, now when I hear the mario land 2 theme I think about this game

fucking shit
Edit: I did a second playthrough and it was easier than I expected

mid (like the first game) but worse and more incomplete.
Also there are barely innovations or changes, and the few it has, are unfinished and worse than the first game :)
But... It's early access... Ok, let's wait 5 years then


Este juego tiene menos representaciones gays/transexuales que Undertale (1 sola [ni se menciona] en todo el juego) y aún con eso tienen el atrevimiento de decir que es el triple de GAY que la mierda de undermierda
Pendejos pelotudos jueguense el juego

el modo mas asqueroso posible del juego mas asqueroso posible, una puta mierda (al menos en zone wars)

I liked this game more back in 2019. May because I was more into Nintendo and farming games those days.
It was a fun, minimalist and short experience, but because of that, the game gets less replayable compared with bigger ones (stardew, minecraft, terraria). And their updates doesn't help, they feel incomplete, or just innecesary:
The combat update made enemies attack your buildings, but they rarely broke it. A challenge more annoying than worrying, and almost exclusively in early-mid game, later the enemies doesn't attack you or they don't stand a chance against you and your 30 droids. So the defense structures that came in this update too are highly expensive and useless. The best of this update were the bosses and new loot I guess, but with the ease this game can be broken, they immediately turn into drops.
The nuclear update is interesting if you are ambitious with productivity, but if you don't, it isn't that necessary. The nuclear structures just drop double items (with the chance of drop 4) at the same speed of vanilla structures. But they are expensive to mainteance (farm and craft batteries) and not idle friendly (eventually you'll need to recharge them).

I may prefer the 2019 version of this game, the last version with just the 2 updates feels abandoned, and in fact it is. They promised more implementations over the time, like multiplayer mode, but his creator retracted in less than a year of the game release.
I 100% cuz I still had the idea of find some fun in this game (kinda did) but, yeah, in 2019 it was a better experience for me

Because of this generic ass corporative garbage mode, they ruined the fortnite shop. Always the fucking same emotes and skins.

kind of political (left-wing of course) and dumb in some results, also lacks of organization once you get many crafts. But still clever than its predecessor

pensaba que era meme eso de poner el gameplay a mitad de pantalla en un tiktok/short/reel. Resultó que no.
maldito juego mid y sus daños colaterales a la generación actual