It was fun for a bit, but it’s literally a baby game and became mind numbing towards the end. It was fun making a bunch of weirdos though!

My first Blazblue game. I saw it in a Nintendo power and thought it was cool. It was fun playing on the bus and despite its rather simplicity, is pretty fun and I wish they released another one like it. Clone phantasma doesn’t count.

This game gave me motion sickness and the date missions blow

This game feels like it wasn’t made for people. It feels like it’s an ancient time that humans shouldn’t have opened. I feel like it’s gonna just disappear from my shelf. This game isn’t made for humans. I’m having a blast

Does anyone even remember this game? I played it for a little bit and it kinda sucked. What a weird game

My type of FPS. Single player and weird. Movement feels great even on a controller and the music and graphics and EVERYTHING is perfect! The first level is perfect and sets up everything you need to know. Neon Violet was a little too much to handle sometimes and it feels like Neon White and Neon Green’s voice actors were switched.

The first Fromsoft title I’ve ever beat. While I enjoyed my time, I have problems with the souls design as a whole.

One of my biggest issues was boss run ups and this game completely gets rid of those with a few exceptions. I don’t like stamina. It never really got in the way but I still don’t like it. Some enemy placements are just infuriating and a particular late game boss kind of ruined the fun for me.

I think what pushed me through was how powerful you can be so early in this game. I used every advantage I could, if this game wants to be mean then I’ll be mean too! It felt really good melting boss health bars!