It’s funny, I’m not really a “genwunner” in the traditional sense. I love all the new Pokémon that come out. I love all the freaks that show up in the new games and have honestly gotten incredibly tired of Gen one Pokémon. But the actual games? They are a blast. Red and blue in particular are so funny and weird. The glitches are wild, the fucked up coding is hilarious, and the horrible sprite work is very entertaining. These games are just plain fun only because of how broken they are.

First things first, yeah Samus is weird in this game. Yeah the story is a little weird. Yeah Adam is weird. I honestly don’t really care that much.

This was the first Metroid game I owned. It’s not really Metroidvania feeling as it’s mostly just straight corridors and very linear, but as a dumb kid I appreciated that. The combat feels GOOD. Dodging and blasting a charge shot is amazing and the BRUTAL takedowns are phenomenal.

The Wii remote controls are a weird choice and the game could’ve benefitted from the nunchuck.

This game also gave us the greatest Metroid character, Anthony Higgs; and for that we thank it.

This is not a Platnium game. This is a Yoko Taro game. I wish I knew this before playing.

I went into this game with the wrong expectations. I wish I didn’t have any expectations for this game at all. Here’s what I thought “This Yoko Taro guy seems a little goofy and Platinum is making the game! That means it’s like Metal Gear Rising!” I was very wrong.

The combat is the only platinum DNA in this game, the rest is Yoko Taro. It’s open world, blegh. I didn't like having to run around to get to new content. It WAS mitigated by the fast travel station, but then they reset them so you have to go and reactivate all of them.

Since I thought this was gonna be a fun goofy adventure like Bayonetta or MGR, I didn’t take anything seriously and that really fucked a lot up for me. You’re supposed to go into this game with an RPG mind not a DMC mind.

I just had these little nitpicks all because I thought it was gonna be a level to level character action game with all the goofy humor and references that Platinum is famous for. I just feel bad about it. I wanted this game to be in my favorites of all time, I wanted to be part of the group that loves this game, and I’m still trying to LOVE it but I just can’t.

It’s a good game and I recommend playing it. There’s some really unique things that happen in it that I won’t spoil because you have to keep playing. Stick with it and promise, no crying till the end.

So I bought this game at a game crazy a LONG time ago cus I thought it looked funny. Even as a kid, I knew that it was fucking terrible. As an adult I tried to play it and I just can’t. I really can’t believe how I even completed this game. Horrible

This review contains spoilers

Funnily enough, this game fixes the problems I had with both Nier Automata and Elden Ring.

I had no expectations for it other than it looked sick as fuck. It’s level to level, you literally just pick a location from a map. All side quests are automatically added to previous levels and you don’t have to go around talking to people to get them. THERE IS NO STAMINA BAR AND ALL YOUR ATTACKS DON’T TAKE TEN YEARS TO COME OUT. You can steal enemies attacks and use them as your own. So many weapons and so many moves for every situation. The depth of this game is massive and it WANTS you to play it. It wants you to grind your ass off and get those jobs to cap. It wants you to get that stupid insane crazy gear with wacky effects to make you unstoppable! And it feels fucking great to do.

The last shot before the credits made me cry. Not from sadness, but pure emotion. It felt good.
Now I wanna play FF1…

My first Blazblue game. I saw it in a Nintendo power and thought it was cool. It was fun playing on the bus and despite its rather simplicity, is pretty fun and I wish they released another one like it. Clone phantasma doesn’t count.

This game is fantastic. I like a lot about it but, there’s little nitpicks I’ve got too. I’ve never liked raising your stats in these kind of games. I get that it’s something to work toward, but I’d much rather have max move speed and just buy my moves than have to eat every consumable in the game.

I also encountered a save file ending softlock the really soured the experience. I died in a cutscene. The cutscene was the only way to trigger a quest completion and the game didn’t put a check mark on the quest log and the cutscene wouldn’t trigger. I had to start a new save file.

I like this game a lot. The hits feel meaty and satisfying as per usual in an old fighter. Despite not knowing most of the moves (no training mode or move list in game) I still have a lot of fun playing this with my wife

It’s a cool movement based 3D platformer Metroidvania. Don’t get the switch version. The graphics are a little worse (not a big deal) the frame rate is worse (below 30 fps) and has some odd glitches. Some things just don’t feel right in this game and that sucks

Does anyone even remember this game? I played it for a little bit and it kinda sucked. What a weird game

Gotta be honest here, I didn’t come out of this game feeling like it was the greatest of all time. It just feels like another Metroidvania. It’s got cool glitches and sequence breaks, but that’s all I guess? I liked it.

Fuck Pokémon yellow I didn’t like it and red and blue are better

An EXTREMELY simple fighting game. You can move back and forth, block, parry, and attack. You have one attack button that changes depending on if you’re moving or standing still. Special moves are done by holding the attack button or by tapping attack after successfully hitting someone. It’s a very fun and intense game that anyone can play, all you need is fundamentals! Highly recommend

My type of FPS. Single player and weird. Movement feels great even on a controller and the music and graphics and EVERYTHING is perfect! The first level is perfect and sets up everything you need to know. Neon Violet was a little too much to handle sometimes and it feels like Neon White and Neon Green’s voice actors were switched.