Bad spinning simulator with microtransactions.

Definitely the weakest in the game trilogy but it's tolerable. The ending was really stupid and the characters are kinda meh.

It's a fun arcade kind of game but that's all I can say about it. Also do not play this on anything other than PC.

Just a fun, simple spinoff game. Don't go into this game expecting much. It isn't perfect, especially towards the end where the game just becomes flashing light simulator, but it's pretty fun.

If you're going into this expecting amazing gameplay, play a different game. This games appeal is mainly it's story, which it has a very good one. It's full of fun twists and surprises, and overall has a good message.

The gameplay is just okay. The story is mostly okay, but this game was definitely made by drug addicts. Also not really a fan of the weird sexualization stuff, but it isn't too intrusive. Komaru is also a very interesting and relatable protagonist.

Removing the cameras was the biggest mistake this series has ever made. Now it feels boring and like I have nothing to do. The gameplay is feels one dimensional and the story starts taking a dive here. I'm not even sure what story this game wants to tell. The animatronics feel like they're trying way to hard to be scary which gives it the opposite effect.

I really like the tycoon elements but I wish there was an endless mode but I still have no idea what I'm doing during the night segments. The story does it's best to fix the story but it's already to late. I appreciate the effort though.

It's just the Sonic CD remaster but I can add mods. Nice.

This game misses what made FNaF fun and turns it into a walking simulator. The game launched in a very buggy state making it virually unplayable. The game is too big for its own good. The story is awful, full of plot holes, and spits in the faces of long time fans.

This port just makes my favorite Sonic game even better.

The story has imrpoved a lot from the last game without being to intrusive. The gameplay is painfully easy once you know the optimal strategy though and you only need to use one of the cameras.

I like Sonic 1 but oh my god it is not a good game. This port makes it actually playable. Sonic 2 however, is really good and now it's in widescreen and on PC. That's enough for me to recommend this to anyone.

Really short but fun experience. The story is kept simple and easy to understand. It's not very replayable though due to the repetitive gameplay but I still find myself coming back every once in a while.

It was fun for the first 10 minutes but got boring really fast.