3 Reviews liked by PenguinMasterGL

Only Square Enix can split a remake into three parts, piss off fans, and still pull it off

If any game were to do this, it would be FF7. The alterations made in Remake were both concerning and intriguing, but I was always one of the defenders. Now that Rebirth continues the story, I am still confused and intrigued, but more trusting of the process.

It's a relief seeing how they handled an open world. There is so much side content, so many minigames (more than the original), it feels like they learned their lesson after Remake and FF16. The visuals are breathtaking, it feels like the devs have moments where they're begging you to just stop and look. It's great to see after being stuck in the slums of midgar. The dynamic score is amazing from field themes to bosses which all blend seamlessly into each other.

It's suprisingly pretty faithful to the original. It's emotional, it's ridiculous, and the exploration highlights the ecological themes. Some of the story changes feel like the devs playing with the characters in a toybox, but it's cool so I don't care.

Now we wait another 4 years for part 3..

Nothing feels more like summer than Sonic Adventure.

The visual style of this game still holds up insanely good. Theres a bit of clunkiness, but it's aged better than most sonic games. It's great to play as multiple characters to see the full picture. Each character feels fun to play (except big...) don't hurt me for saying this is way better than mario 64

The music is great, the combat is simple, but fun, and the game feels dreamy for the dreamcast

Both a step up and a step down from SA1. SA2 takes away the adventure field for a more linear experience, alongside two paths with 6 characters. Both paths are unique in terms of story and level design, but the characters play the exact same. I definetly found myself enjoying the dark storyline more, however.

This game exudes 2000's coolness. Both the intro and concluding sequences are nothing short of iconic, and Shadow is still just a cool character. The levels are mostly fun, but can be frustrating at times.

I wonder why they hadn't returned to the adventure formula since then, but I seemed to have blocked Sonic 06 out of my memory. Oh...