6 reviews liked by Period000

There's no separate voice audio slider. i hate reddit cores.

why did i give this more than 2 stars i think i just like anime girls because im an idiot

There's a YouTube video uploaded 10 years ago called "The average Bioshock player" that makes fun of the lighthouse bell puzzle. There is a guy who would comment on it defending the game, and then get a bunch of replies that each said "Wait a minute, that card..." at which point he would delete his comment so that he could delete all of those replies to it, and then he would repost the comment again months later. This happened for maybe 3-4 years.

one of the best mobile games. mobile games are just that bad



trapped on the rotating fortress forever doomed to look at whimsical gizmos and gadgets and torture devices that make funny noises

2 lists liked by Period000