Jack Bros. 1995

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 20, 2024

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Behold, the first Megaten game to ever make it outside of Japan! A really cute game, it just falls into the Atlus trappings of it becoming needlessly hard at the end.

The Jack of your choice (should be Jack the Ripper/Jack Skeleton for attack power, but it's my boy Jack Frost) gets trapped in the Human World, and must fall down floors to make it back to Fairy World. Because of this, you don't really have health per se, but a timer that you lose time every time you get hit. Your timer carries between floors, but not between areas.

The first area is easy, at just 3 floors. Pixie tutorializes everything so most floors you'll be greeted by her talking about the new enemy. There's even a floor where she says she doesn't know what to say anymore.

The problem however is each area becomes longer and longer, the the point of feeling dragged out. The final area, Crystal Palace, is 19 FLOORS LONG and is followed up by a two-phase final boss with massive HP that if you fail, you have to do ALL 19 FLOORS AGAIN. These are featuring bulky enemies that can corner you easily and force you to use a special or lose time. It becomes tedious to redo all that since they play out the same each time.

It's a cute game with adorable art and good music but damn if I were in charge I'd tone down the difficulty in the second half.