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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 24, 2024

Platforms Played


A really cute game. It's on the easy side, but it's a nice relaxing time that you can get into the flow of. The story is on the simple side, but Noah is endearing that it makes it a good time, and the climax and ending are cute. Combat is also fairly simple but there is strategy in assembling your Lilliputs (which serve as your attacks)and how you want to build your team for your raid. It usually involves gathering all of whatever element you get accessories for first and racking up massive damage that you 2HKO every non-boss enemy in the final area, but it not being too difficult is what contributes to it being relaxing. You can absolutely make it harder for yourself if you so choose to but outside of the Dante Must Die Hell Mode all it really does is change the number multipliers, so if you weren't getting hit before you likely wouldn't get hit on harder difficulties either.

If you want a cute easy Rougelike, this is the game for you!