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1 day

Last played

March 19, 2022

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A pretty solid racer with cute music, lovable character interactions, and such a massive difficulty spike that if you want to have good odds of beating you'd have to unlock one of Donald's OP nephews to clear if you want to beat the story.

Some interactions are pretty great, I love how when Minnie hits Daisy she goes "I thought we were friends!" but when she hits Minnie she's all "We're still friends right?", or how Mickey will apologize for hitting Minnie. It's really sweet.

Items aren't that great though, you've just got Mushroom, Star, Banana Peel, Green Shell, Horrible Red Shell and slightly less horrible Red Shell. Therefore, skill is important to clearing the game which as state earlier gets incredibly hard. I think if there were a circuit after Frantic Finale you'd be racing in a Tesla Tunnel. Speaking of Chicago being a sewer level is pretty funny to me.

Not Rare's most ambitious title but still the third best racing game on the console.