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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 31, 2023

Platforms Played


Now this is a pretty solid shmup any enthusiast of the genre should play. It's fairly standard for the first 3 stages, kinda bs in the opening of the 4th (those missiles come at you way too fast so you have to know in advanced), but the final boss is a pretty good fight all things considered. It's a game you gotta learn how to approach, rather than expecting to win the first time through. My only complaint is the bosses (even including the fantastic final one) can be stunlocked into oblivion, but I wouldn't be lying if I'd rather not have more hard fights to contend with so I'll take the free W.

The story, set outside of the main game in its email system, is simple but neat. I don't see how the gameplay ties into it 1:1 but if you take it as a computer program it checks out. Worth high praise is the menu presentation though. You choose your character before anything else (I chose the glasses girl Mews of course, who also happens to be the best shot type in the game) and they have their own unique interface to the rest of the menu, really driving the computer theme home.

So a solid shmup with great presentation, and decent music too. Check it out.