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Amazing how I felt completely uncomfortable within a minute of starting. I love the feel of it all, and that while Meat Vision (which makes little sense in how he perceives a human corpse as a bunch of fruit or whatever but don't think too hard bro) makes Fuminori finally break, you get this glimpse that he was always a bit of a cunt before.

It feels like it's going for a perspective thing, that sympathy is what you see, so you have Fuminori put on a face for things he finds repulsive while he acts like a huge jerk, in his eyes it's him standing up to these monsters. But all we would see is him humping a nightmarish monster that he sees as an innocent little girl.

Which Saya is absolutely not. While the game seems to aim for you to have both sides as equal options, it goes too far when it comes to Yoh. She does nothing wrong, and solely out of spite, Saya turns her into a sex slave. And then they use her miserable existence as bait. Saya may look cute but she's absolutely despicable with no regard for anyone but Fuminori. Which he is the same, so those bastards are perfect for each other I suppose. In a completely unhealthy way.

Chad Koji and Ryoko saving humanity best characters best ending let's go. Kinda weird one choice is Fuminori's (you wanna pussy out halfway through or nah) while the other's is Koji's (Get the Chad Humanity Win or let evil win), but at least it's simple.

The game is also the perfect length, long enough to be invested in the tense action but not too long to overstay its disturbing welcome and ruin its tone. All in all good for those into some fucked up shit by The Butcher himself.

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2021
