Sadly, the transition from 2D to 3D was...not very good would be putting it lightly? In fact I'd say graphics-wise it's very amatuerish and the worst of its year? The character designs are good (outside Alice and Clover's redesign which aren't good, designing with dick in mind is fine but this transcends the tone and practicality of the game they are in.), but they were just not ready to tackle 3D and it shows. Also feels like a completely different series from 999.

The puzzles however are much better this time aorund, and the timeline and time leaping are a huge convenience now to go with the game's split system, and the game knows how to take advantage of it and does it so well. It also plays with your expectations with its world and characters, even expecting around your expectations and playing a few things straight and pulling the rug from you to expect twists and turns in certain regards. There's one dumb twist that the player character Sigma should have seen even on accident a ton of the time but the game jus straight up ignores this and it removes the ol' suspension of disbelief a little, but the other twists are fine.

All in all, it's not a pretty game, and it's not really like 999, but as its own thing it's solid.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
