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4 days ago

4 days ago

JudgeDredd35 commented on JudgeDredd35's review of The Callisto Protocol
@Dead_By_Dawn Oh lord lol Flashback to the days when devs made difficulty trophies not stack. But ya I wanted to go in with an open mind but i just didn't enjoy playing it all.

4 days ago

JudgeDredd35 commented on JudgeDredd35's review of The Callisto Protocol
@RedBackLoggd Ya I tried my best to not going in with the Dead Space comparison mindset.I just made the Dead Space comparison with the grip, since that is the one mechanic they ripped straight out of it. But I just think on its own terms, its just not a very good game and it just feels terrible to play.

4 days ago

JudgeDredd35 abandoned The Callisto Protocol
Nope not for me. I had heard this game got a mixed reception and I can see why in some ways. The melee combat is just awful in this game and the enemies are just way too spongy. Also the grip mechanic feels very clunky and no where near as intuitive as it is Dead Space. The game lacks any good horror and its just not the best game to play if you've had a bad day, with how frustrating the overall game can feel to play. The story is okay but its not enough to get me through the rest of the bullshit. Happy to say the game ran smoothly for me on PC with no major issues so thats something.

4 days ago

5 days ago

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