That is a hard pill to swallow, this could be one of the greatest game of all time, and it is for so many people thankfully. But some things I cannot ignore. No it's not the game being woke because they have blue skin and no pronouns. The quintessential space experience is discovery, the game opting to offer most of it in the form of text archives. Now, I understand the limited ressources of the team, but none of the in-game people writing these texts nor the content itself were anything to write home about. I just wanted a space bunny I guess. I love bunnos. Unrelated. The lack of wildlife hits you like a stinky pussay, but there's really no problem with a different scope. Kicking down on indies for their lack of budget and manpower would just be stating the obvious, while at the same time admitting being showered in creativity under limitations stops being enough and you want the paws of capitalism on a product to fully realize... mechanics, at the cost of the vision. Nah we ain't fuckin with that.

The planets were dope, they're small yet you're not allowed to view much, so you have to walk around, jump around, whatever burn some calories man (you're gonna need it in space, bucko!). After landing on a few surfaces, you realize they are surface level LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER NOISE ignore my lame joke BUT still, the scope means the planets have to be small and there is some cool spectacle discovered once you land on a given planet. Nothing as daunting in other media as the storms on Giant's End and the sand pillar on Twin Peaks (idr the name). But das what im sayinnn the wonders cease early on and the rest is grabbing enchantment table ahh texts like they're collectibles. You'd lose some of the disorientation if you made planets bigger, would anyone actually want not to jump a little too high and leave orbit like a child being dropped on his first day of school? No! They tried atleast.

The realistic space movement is genuinely amazing. It really propels up the joy of exploration. Before you even get the hang of it, it just feels cool, that's how I control in my dreams and so do you. Lemme SWOOOSH and THUMP--THUMP--THUMP and YIPPEEEE and demolish my ship, as I deserve for my travesty of a flight. It's a roguelite that's self-aware of being one, just like Hades. But this really isn't a roguelite at all, moreso... slow burn Die & Retry feat walking simulator? We get too caught up in labelling things. It's an arena fighter now. You're fighting the physics and raycasts. A guide to the qintessential indie experience once said "indie games are famous for their lack of set gender" as they mistranslated the french "genre" which both means "genre" (shocker) and gender. The marketing team should go to the MARKET to see which bitches are up for sale, the localization industry is fucked as fuck

The ending's impact landed better on some other people, I do think other scenarists have found less clumsy ways to reach that conclusion. But these people probably did drugs, so you go Outer Wilds!

Reviewed on May 25, 2024


29 days ago

This mf spittin

29 days ago

the roguelite analogy is brilliant

29 days ago

Pit, the consolable. Did not cry at the game and it shows smh.

29 days ago

@LordDarias yoooo u put the rizz in LordDarizz

@Lemonstrade yessir I like ur words. Thanks

29 days ago

@hotpoppah This shit so magnificent! Sadly, I did not get overcome by fits of tears. But I felt some things trust

29 days ago

Naw, dw about it. The game is so dreadful and warming at the same time. Always find it really interesting how people interpret the ending in different ways.

28 days ago

Front page again! Also a really awesome review, love how punchy it is.