I saw this insanely in-depth review on front page as I otherwise had no idea this was on here. I know I can't conjure up anything half as good as what that review stated, but it definitely got me thinking about Geoguessr in a way I haven't thought about. I used to visit this site during my free time in my highschool computer class and didn't really consider just how fascinating it is to be teleported to some random ass place in the world and having to gather anything to piece together where you are. It gives an almost unparalleled sense of exploration for something that just amounts to a database of images in knowing that everything you see is our world. I could almost never guess where I actually was unless I was lucky enough to catch a sign in a different language and could maybe guess a general region of the world, but winning was never the main draw for me here. Just seeing sights that aren't generally remarkable, but would have otherwise remained unseen by you if you had not been randomly given those coordinates, is really fucking cool.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022


1 year ago

YES. but then the monetization kicked in and ruined it :(

1 year ago

@ArabiWasabi I haven't played in years but that's what I've been hearing. Really sucks because this is such a novel little game.