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2 days ago

DeoxysPrime finished Rogue Galaxy
A true hidden-gem and an incredibly ambitious title for its generation, Rogue Galaxy is a game largely carried by its addicting and fun combat system and surprising breadth of content that manages to keep itself (mostly) enjoyable throughout its 50-hour campaign. It does stumble a bit in its final chapters, with an overly lengthy end dungeon and final boss encounter that would have proven quite frustrating had I not known ahead of time what I was getting into. However, this wasn't enough to sway the overall positive feelings I felt throughout my adventure here, nor sufficient to detract from what a remarkable achievement Rogue Galaxy feels like even two decades later.

Truthfully, though, I'll admit this game already had me at JRPG with Space Pirates.

3 days ago

kccrawlingchaos reviewed Marvel Super Heroes
Played on an arcade hulk and iron man are broken.
Still a fun novelty though

3 days ago

kccrawlingchaos finished Marvel Super Heroes
Played on an arcade hulk and iron man are broken.
Still a fun novelty though

3 days ago

4 days ago

4 days ago

4 days ago

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