I can't help but always find myself drawn back to this game. Each playthrough is generally about an hour but the replay value is through the roof. Even when I play through with the same team, there's always some new and interest feeling challenge I find myself thrust into. An exciting take on the roguelike genre that has to be played to be believed.

There's no way you could make a Fire Emblem game like this now. You can make a hard Fire Emblem game, sure, but not one that is this scrappy and seat of your pants. There's no other Fire Emblem game like it. It's so busted. It's a ROM hack with the polish of an official product and therein lies it's charm.

The game has some of the absolute strongest map design in the series. The gameplay, story and map fusion is exceptionally strong. However, it can come at the cost of the chapters feeling reliant on gimmicks or pretty much requiring a warp skip to beat. Still, the gameplay lends itself to truly incredible moments and overall provides many ways to play and beat maps (even if you really gotta be capturing those warp staves and killing edges).

If there's one gripe I have about the game it is about how underutilized the cast feels. Some characters feel like they are introduced but aren't really given enough back story or time to shine. Unfortunately, some characters can also be basically disposable despite the fatigue mechanic.

Overall, I loved playing Thracia even if it would drive me mad with its difficultly. I can only pray for a remake that is able to polish and improve upon such a truly unique game and make it more accessible to modern audiences. In the mean time, you'll just have to play this any way you can.