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Poe_Tatoe completed Super Mario Maker
There's something truly masterful about Super Mario Maker; one of the strongest showing of that Nintendo Charm and Magic, One of the best ways to celebrate a video game franchise anniversary, brought out some of the worst in the most evil of niggas, proof that not everyone should be a game designer (me). All of this in a game on a console that works a little too perfectly for it. Super Mario Maker and Wii U are like the 2015 Splash Brothers of just videogames

8 days ago

Poe_Tatoe abandoned Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
I could've sworn I reviewed this game. Well Anyway, neato game that I've tried a couple of times but had a hard time getting into. The game isn't bad it's just a timing thing. Sometimes you pick up the right game at the wrong time

8 days ago

Poe_Tatoe abandoned Assassin's Creed III
I remember playing the opening mission at my Uncle's house when I was little. I then picked it up later in life, got to my first trialing mission and then proceeded to drop it

8 days ago

Poe_Tatoe completed Crash Bandicoot: Warped
I'm one of those people who prefers Crash 3 over Crash 2; but shout out to Crash 2 Niggas, y'all seem cool

8 days ago

Poe_Tatoe completed Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
I actually got really close to 100% this one, I just didn't because I wasn't trying to do all of that. It just kind of happened

8 days ago

Poe_Tatoe completed Crash Bandicoot
Out of all of the games in the N-Sane Trilogy, this one left me with the most amount of battle scars, and it's not even close

8 days ago

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