When you streetpass someone and you happen to pick the one piece that gives you like 20 other pieces included. That shit is like crack

I completed an Animal Crossing badge and they currently are barely serving any purpose. That being said I love them and they aren't going anywhere

This too, why the fuck can I review this?!

When and why the fuck can you review this?!

I like the Spawn Spin Move

I've really only played this game to test out controllers at my job, and when I do I exclusively play Link

I remember playing this game and my (at the time) Roommate's Cat was drinking out a glass of water left on the coffee table

Not gonna lie, the Backloggd cover is kinda nice.

I could come up with some simple surface level comment about this game but, I lasted played it was I was like 11 or 12 and I couldn't tell you fuck all about it now other than it helped me understand that birds came from Dinosaurs

This is another Ape Escape situation where you've got a high 8/10 game but one little thing elevates it to an even higher 9/10. In this case, being able to frolic with your Cousins

Another one I'm just fine with, it's cool that you can catch fossil pokemon in the wild

My thoughts on it in hindsight aren't particularly strong, I wish it was easier to get Max Mushrooms though

This jank ass game can barely handle four players and the character balancing is atrocious, would probably play again if the vibes were just right