It was really fun getting to do a lot of double battles, even though my team doesn't exactly have the best synergy in that format

I was this close, this goddamn close to beating this sodding game without failing a bonus stage. Shit sucks

Seeing the shit people can do using Ray is insane. The speed they reach

Talim gang, learned my first juggle with Talim

Nothing like having to play the hardest badge level in the game twice because you missed the top of the flag pole

I've never played multiplayer with this one and I'm very scared to

My mom downloaded this on the family wii when I was a wee man

I have zero feeelings on this game excpet that; EA ragdoll is back

The score is mainly this high because of vibes. This showed up at the right time for me and did what it needed to. I do wish it was a tiny bit longer and I had some visual hiccups, but still an adorable game.

I unlocked a theme for this game, but I don't remember which one

I never managed to unlock Luma in this game. One day...

This was pretty chill of for a Mario & Luigi Game, but Goddamn; for a Mario RPG this shit was LONG

I didn't know this box art was a thing, it's adorable


This game is like the Parappa the Rappa of fighting games. Everything about it is amazing, except the gameplay