Not great, not terrible. The leveling system, the story, and the three different classes really give this a unique feel from other jrpgs of the time (especially for a GB title), but the overall balance was just so totally out of whack.

My poor monster was useless for 99% of the game, my mutants/human were one-shotting nearly everything in sight, most of the spells were pointless to use, and I'm still in shock that a NUCLEAR BOMB did less damage than my puny lil glass sword to the last boss... Ah well, onto the sequel!

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL pixel art, holds up incredibly well even 20+ years later. Love the combo system and the diverse cast of memorable characters (Scias!), but man is the story ever mired in so many needless distractions and pointless errand running. Enough minigames already, argh!

Still, I had fun with this, despite it feeling like a slight step down from parts II and III. More BoF games plz?... someone?... anyone?...