6 Reviews liked by Product

When you play a million games its really easy to get pretentious and feel like you cant enjoy things that have corny or schlocky aspects.

In comparison to the first, Xenoblade 2 is pure schlock. Despite this, I loved it and will absolutely continue to quote it for a long time. I didnt think it would or should top my enjoyment of the first game, but I think it did

Thankful to microtransactions for diverting attention from all other things micro



By far the best pikmin game. The game can be a little easy in comparison to other titles, however I don't mind since the game is so fun.

The collecting and exploration is really great, offering some nice homages to nintendos history, and plenty of variety. There's a lot of content for new and old fans, and challenges for the most worthwhile rewards.

It's the definitive pikmin game, it's just so addicting

Why can't I get into this game, man.