Pretty alright. Outshined by all the updates but still good to play in class on a school-mandated laptop

The golden standard of what a roguelike should be. Thanks, Daddy Edmund Mcmillan.

Another crazy expansion for this crazy title. thx daddy Edmund McMillan.

holy fuck. I thought I should wait for the upcoming remake but I'm so glad I caved in and played this masterpiece. This games story leaves you in shock for days. He's a Snake eater

Pretty good. You gotta give this game some patience and you'll be heavily rewarded. Its unbelievable how much structure this gave the series and stealth games as a whole

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Despite people's complaints about the sequel of the Solid franchise with Raiden he adds a important role of questioning and reacting with the player during this game. Other than my love for Raiden it's crazy to see how dangerously close we've gotten to what the AI predicted would happen and makes us question If Raiden was right.
Edit: Also No! that's NOT Solid Snake

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Loved this game but not as much as the others. Loved every character except for Meryl and Johnny. It was nice seeing Meryl get her happy ending but damn I didn't care at all. Wish we could've seen more Johnny rather than him shittin himself and then randomly becoming a stud but the game was still peak either way

Good shit Gearbox. Like the first game it's aight with friends but the singleplayer is crazy fun

hooolyy shit you can review chess.....

Bought the game. tried playing solo to figure out you need a controller for the pc port. refunded. Another year of shlop for star wars fans gaming wise atleast the shows have been good

ngl don't have in on ps5 cause of the warnings the game told us in advance but got it on pc and been runnin it at 60 fps maybe 40 when fighting something that chugs the engine but my computer isn't exactly the newest or strongest and it still runs it like it would elden ring or any other big AAA game. Micro transactions for a capcom game are exactly the same. Still love Devil may cry and Resident Evil even though you can practically skip any challenge with some cash and same buisness practice will be used here. If you're on the fence buy it and after 1 or 2 hours of playing make your own choice don't listen to others. (edit: it is bs that you can't start a new game or even change the race of your character but they talked about an incoming patch to fix it so i'm not bothered)