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2 days

Last played

April 7, 2022

First played

April 3, 2022

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They did it, they made Kirby in 3D and it's really good.

A joy from beginning to end that only builds on ideas and cool shit throughout until you get to a mega silly climax and unlock even more interesting cool stuff to do.
At it's peaks it touches the inventiveness that the best 3D Mario games hit.

Difficulty wise if you just want to get the game done it's a breeze, but if you want some challenges there's levels to it that for me topped at the final boss on the final bonus event.
Coming straight off of Elden Ring a "hard game" I was loving playing something easy but that boss gave me more trouble than a good 90% of that.

I heard on a podcast recently someone quote (and I'm paraphrasing) that Kirby even at it's best due to it's own in-built restrictions could only ever be an 8/10 and whilst that may sound reductive I think it may be right...
...or I thought that.

A few tweaks to this game, building a little on mouthful mode for example could prove to be right "up there" and the potential for quality in a sequel has me excited.

Also I like the bit where the pink ball sucks up the things and he becomes the things and you control the things, that is good, I like that.