6 reviews liked by PyteOak

I am endlessly fascinated by the fact that this game's fanbase is 50% 40 year old guys who kick their dogs and 50% 19 year old trans men that want to be plowed by the postal dude. By the time postal dude is shooting rednecks in a assless gimp suit the latter section started to make sense.

I swear whenever South Park makes a 3D game its the definition of "rough transition into 3D"



gostava bastante de passear pelo hotel e ver as diferentes salas, mas era muito triste o preconceito contra pobre nesse jogo. a pronuncia correta do nome desse jogo é rabo, se você não falava que ia entrar no rabo você falava errado



there's always someone richer than you

Unlike SS13, SS14 actually functions, and therefore strays from the light and will of God.

Great car combat and the open world is boring in the right way. Kinda whatever story but I would say this one is worth a go.