What can I say that hasn't been said about this masterpiece? The story is so perfectly paced and uses the medium of video games to its advantage that it wouldn't be able to replicate in any other medium. There is always something going on and keeping you interested as you travel the world of Gaia. The character arcs are all well done they each tie together so well and makes everyone feel like they're a necessary part of the group. Including Cait Sith 🤣. The combat is still engaging years later. So much customization in the character building and how enjoyable the atbs can get and keep you on edge truly felt like a perfect line between action and turn based back in the 90s. To top off all the greatness we have this presentation that's so good you're not even bothered by the lego like models when you really get into this master piece. This is easily one of the best games of all time and definitely my all time favorite