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Actually feels like a New Super Mario Bros. game (haha)
What struck me the most is the art direction ! The game truely is gorgeous, the animations of the characters and ennemies are wholesome and full of personnality. The creature design is really on point too.
( The variety in ennemies and the little twists in the design of classic mario worlds actually kinda made me think of the rpg games, to some extend ? )

There's a ton of ideas and levels are quite short, so the game is never boring. It's cool to see how they've been inspired by levels created in Mario Maker. But at it's core it still is a Mario Bros. game, which gives it it's identity but also makes it a little bit old school imo.
Also, with how each level has it's own idea (including transformations), I feel like the powerups could have been used differently. Same goes for the badges, that are not really that usefull aside from the levels specifically designed for them.

Overall the best 2D Mario game in a long time, with a strong identity. + the production conditions were particularly good this time apparently. Let's hope it all is not just a one time thing.

Also the talking flowers ARE fun