I scrum and shit myself so hard every time I play it.

Played this on the 360 back then when blockbuster was still a thing. I just thought it was a military shooter.

Played it again back in 2020 and learned there was so much more to it then what it seemed. This was a great game to play. There's so much attention to detail, like how aggressive the main character gets as you get further and further in.

Story is amazing, it will honestly leave you empty for a while.

I got 100% on steam back in October, 29, 2020. Was so much fun playing on FUBAR but god was it painful.

I killed Oliver at Nipton cause he won the lottery.

He's covered wars you know.

When this game got announced, I took this with a grain of salt after what happened with the Calisto Protocol. I'm really glad that the devs decided to communicate with the fans by showing them glimpses of how they would rebuilt the game.

There's some things I prefer the OG game over the new game;
I've grown into liking Isaac's new face and while I still prefer the old dirty face, I think Adam Sandler will enjoy being the main character. I can't unsee how the Military Grade Suit (Level 6 suit) looks like something ripped off from fucking Marvel.

I like the new animations for the game. I like how there's no loading screens at all in the game, meaning that you don't have to wait for a loading screen after you complete a chapter. I'm glad that they brought back Gunner Wright in to voice Isaac once again.

This game is very nostalgic for me.

Back when Blockbuster was still a thing, my mom would take me there to go rent out some video games. At the time I didn't understand the games I picked out. All I knew was "funny man shoot gun at bad people then move onto the next mission" This game along with Crysis 3 and LOST were the ones I picked out and that I can remember on the top of my head.

The first time I played it, it was sometime between 2013 - 2014. I was around 8 or 10 at the time. This was technically my first time playing a Max Payne game as well.

Playing this on the 360 was somewhat better because of not dealing with C0ckStar's amazing launcher, however if you can be able to ignore that and the little spastic filters you'll see in the cutscenes, you'll get to enjoy this underrated gem.

This game's soundtrack, the details to Max, and the design of where Max goes to and overrall the game in general is honestly the best of it's series. I would say the original game of Max Payne 1 is better but honestly these two games are equally amazing.

The soundtrack to this game is unforgettable, when you boot up the game for the first time, you're greeted with an intro cutscene of Max arriving in Brazil, then after he gets comfy and settles in, he starts coping and trying to move on from the family he lost so many years ago. The instrumental speaks for Max, it tells you how much pain this man went through and how he lost it twice in a row, from losing his family in his own home, to seeing his best friend get killed right in front of him and to losing the love of his life twice, Max has gone through some horrible tramatic ♥♥♥♥. Some of the songs like "Torture", "Pain", "Dead" even proves my point.

The songs also for the environment and sets the atmosphere for it. In one of the missions, There's a flashback to where Max was on a boat heading to Panama. The dark and synthwave instrumental goes hard to the point where people say this song might've inspired the GTAV's pause menu.

In the final mission of the game, Max has to go to the airport and during one of the shootouts, the song "Tears" begins to play as Max runs for cover. This song unlike the others in the soundtrack has lyrics to it, in these lyrics the speaker tells the audience how "Love saved us once - Trust us now, it's time to let me go, give up, follow what you want."
To me, this is Max's deceased Wife, Michelle Payne from the first game, talking to him and telling him to move on with his life.
The band behind this wonderful OST is named HEALTH, I believe they made some songs for GTAV as well but I could be entirely wrong.

James Mccaffrey, VA for all three games, does another best shot at playing Max Payne. The character and voice he gives him sometimes makes me think there's someone who's narrating my life in a sad, depressing, noir voice and the quotes that James/Max says is memorable.
My favorite quote to go by is the one that goes along the lines; "The way I see it. There's two types of people: those who spend their lives trying to build a future and those who spend their lives trying to rebuild their past"

The gameplay isn't nothing new but the gunplay is awesome. Shotguns are helpful for groups, Pistols and rifles are usually your go to weapon. Unlike in Max Payne 1 and 2, you can't have a bunch of guns in your inventory and instead you can only carry 2 small weapons like pistols or a uzi, and one big weapon like an AK or a shotgun. As long as you don't duel wield your small weapons, you'll keep your big weapon.

The bullet time is also back and the only new thing about it is that if Max's health bar goes down, depending on what difficulty you're on, you'll be able to get back up on your feet and shoot at the guy that downed you. As long as you kill him, you'll get back up and continue running.

The story is interesting for a 2012 game. I don't wanna spoil it but for a game that came out nearly 10 years ago, it's decent.

It's the fear that give men wings.