I felt so conflicted playing this game. There are two (or more) sides to a story and to see a videogame explore that feels unprecedented. It has its moments of utter heartbreak and times when I wanted to shut it off and never give it power again... but I powered through it and was rewarded with a mind-blowing ride. In the end I love how conflicted I felt about the main protagonists. The power of storytelling is strong with this one...

What is there to say. This is simply a masterpiece. I've played it three times so far and the emotional rollercoaster still excites me. This is such a grey story. It's not good vs bad; all the characters are multilayered and I love that. It's quite an accomplishment if you can make a zombie game feel real.

This game is mind-blowing. The graphics of the frontier were breathtaking and the story ripped my heart apart and mended it back together time after time until the credits rolled. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. Oh, and the music is awesome too!