3 Reviews liked by REGINGUS

Normally, I don't really care if you enjoy a video game that I think is bad. Lots of my friends fuck with Bethesda RPGs, I don't blame em at all.

If you enjoy Detroit: Become Human as a vapid murder mystery with a good buddy cop dynamic, also acceptable. If you think this is like, well written at all, or has anything to say on the topic of racism and isn't just the ramblings of a sex pest frenchman (I was going to add racist, but like, with frenchman it seems redundant), you should be placed under a conservatorship. I don't even think agreeing with "damn, why don't we sing racism away" makes you a bad person. It makes you someone at risk of being scammed by a wallet inspector on the street.

Like, the underlying story and themes are so fucking vile, the director of this game had to come out and say "nothing in this game is a political statement, and shouldn't be interpreted as a commentary on race". Which like, even if you take that statement at face value (which I don't), that means this motherfucker looked at the protests in Baltimore in 2015 and was like "cool aesthetic". Dumb! Again, if that works for you, no hate, no spite towards you, but like, please DM me because I can get you this bridge at a killer price. I'm glad you're enjoying season 25 of Big Mouth.

Probably never going to finish it. I think this game is great, I still listen to the soundtrack regularly. It has its heart in the right place and if you were to ask me if you should play through it, I'd say absolutely.

I'm really not a body horror/gore fan at all. It's not even that the visual direction is bad, I can acknowledge that especially given the sprite art limitations this game looks great, but I just get sick to my stomach trying to look at the game half the time.

The vibes are too fucked. I respect it, I wouldn't want it changed, but I haven't emotionally progressed past Wattam and it's too much for my baby brain.



this developer has two gimmicks:

- asset flips without any marketing or presentation, which probably don't recoup their very low production costs

- "fuck none of my games sold, have you considered the Soviet Union killed 10 billion people and NOBODY talks about it"

As a Polack, I feel like there needs to be an international movement to prevent more games from coming out of that goddamn country until there's an actual denatizifcation. You shouldn't be allowed to download Unity until you can screw in a lightbulb with less than 10 people.