10 reviews liked by RabbidTheNabbit

sonic fans are gonna crucify me for this, but this game in its entirety is not very good at all. some of the sonic levels are a lot of fun... and that's it. if this whole game was just sonic levels, this would've been a better game, albeit with kinda buggy levels but you could look past that. there's this AWFUL overworld and the path to the next level is super cryptic in an already empty world that's zero fun to explore. voice acting and animation that borders on laughable (came out the same year as metal gear solid so not a time period excuse) but good god, it's once you do the other character campaigns where shit hits the fan. people shit on big the cat's stages but everyone forgets how AWFUL Amy Rose is to control. she's so slow, her hammer stops her in place, she is the most UNSATISFYING character to control in a platformer EVER. BUT, the chao garden is pretty damn cool.

An extremely innovative game and my favourite in the new super Mario bros series. its full of so many new ideas, enemy's and levels that were never brought back for whatever reason.

This is, in my honest opinion, the best version of minecraft that ever released.

The fact the minigames were not ported to bedrock still pains me to this day.

(like all wii u games on my log. no longer play it due to hardware failure)

First time i ever played Minecraft on a console. i could barely use a controller at the time but looking back the Wii U touch screen was really cool with this game.

All-around solid. Looks great, runs great, although kinda simplistic, though that's expected, given it's nature.

I don't know what's weirder: The fact that this game exists or the fact that I've played it

way better that the bedrock edition on switch, although its been de-listed and not been updated suck in a version before the aquatic update. i really enjoyed it. felt like a snapshot back in time when i used to play on my xbox 360 minecraft disk

God the Legacy Console editions were amazing