One of those games where they went hard on everything except the combat. God tier story, god tier characters, a great soundtrack, amazing writing, but gosh is that combat kind of mediocre. Still a great game since there's dumb fun to be had in the combat at least but compared to the other games in the series wow this is a huge step back.

The best Pokemon game even if it's not official solely because you can play the only fun part of Pokemon (serious battles against players with brains) with ease and an easy team builder.

It may not be nearly as iconic as the original but I'd say this is easily the better game. The weapons are amazing and there's still some annoying enemies, but what hands down puts this over the original for me is that the chapters not only drag on way less, but also that there's not really a bad chapter in this game. Sure not all are amazing, this isn't Half-Life 2, but there's no real point where I just wished the game would end. Great time even if it was created by a pedophile.

Ran into a cabniet twice and I gotta say those two times were probably some of the bigger highlights of my life.

I've heard this game is extremely easy for DDR veterans, and yeah I imagine having to unlock Very Hard and Super Hard only being on free play would be annoying to someone big into it especially considering those difficulties aren't that hard anyway, but this is an excellent game for beginners as far as I'm aware and all the fun stuff you can add into songs is pretty nifty.

The game its self has a lot of charm, new aspects of Mario lore are thrown in with how all problems can be solved by dancing, and the soundtrack goes surprisingly hard considering how much of it was based off of public domain music. The game also has actual Mario music, unlike Donkey Konga. Also the game has reused animations and models from Mario Party and I think that's funny.

I have over 500 hours in this game from when I was a kid yet I get bored with it in 20 minutes. Pokemon's just so boring man, I really want to love it like I did as a kid but I just can't do it.

You Don't Know Jack is pretty alright, got lots of content too.
Fibbage is good but got new versions on sequels.
Drawful is great but you can get the sequel on its own for really cheap prices sometimes.
Lie Swatter is awful and extremely boring.
Word Spud is laughably bad.

Just play the sequels.

A game that was admittedly pretty rushed so it ends up lacking in elements like side content and the final part of the game is much too short, but gosh dang dude the combat and characters in this game are just fantastic. As of now, this game and its sequel hold my favorite cast of characters in any video game. The combat is super addicting too, every character is fun and there's so many options with what you can do. The story is solid too, not the best in the series but a pretty enjoyable time. Overall, go play it it's good.

4 stars if you just play the main game, 3 1/2 stars if you're counting Thy Flesh Consumed as well. It's just filled with bullet sponge enemies, a lack of health packs, and just being generally annoying. The rest of the game is how everyone else describes it, you know "it's so timeless and great" and all that jazz. But gosh, what a waste of an expansion.

I like a lot of the ideas in this but really when I'm gonna go play TF2 I'd rather just play TF2. Isn't really the mod's fault but still.

I have mixed feelings on this game, it bordered on a 5/10 for me. The first two stages are pretty boring, then the game actually gets pretty good for two zones! Then it becomes one of the worst Sonic experiences of all time for zones 5 and 6. 7 is decent though and the game was equalling out to be fine. Nope. The boss rush and final boss is some of the worst crap I've ever had to deal with. Just unbareable, skip this one.

Just to note, both times I played this game was as Megaman. Bass doesn't seem as fun so I haven't done it.

This is honestly a great game and doesn't deserve all the crap it gets, especially considering this is the same franchise as 9 and X6. The basic stages are honestly awesome and the boss fights are pretty fun with the notable exception of Dynamo Man and maybe Burner Man. They're all really creative and honestly not that hard I don't know why people say this game is unfair on Super Famicom, and this is on top of the great powers. The bolt shop and map of levels are great mechanics too.

This could have been one of my favorite Megaman games but what holds this game back is unfortunately the castle stages. The first one is fine but the second one is a guantlet of obnoxious bosses that is just unbareable, making for one of the worst stages in 2d platformer history, and the final stage is not much better. If you play this game, just stop after you beat the first King stage, you're not missing much.

This game hurts me on a personal level.

I love random encounters and overly large overworlds!

Combat is bland at best, characters are boring I can't remember one personality quirk about any of them, and the story at best is functional. Just another example of Dimps being Dimps.

8/10 for gm_slopes and gm_7eleven_night alone, 9 for how using model manipulator with mirrors can crash the game any time, anywhere.