read the back of the shampoo bottle instead

Good, clean fun. Wastes no time - all charm & humor, no filler.

Definitional time-waster with a nice cover of Broken Moon.

When I played Metal Gear Solid roughly 5 years ago, I was captivated by how ahead of its time it felt - how ambitious and modern it felt for 1998, a time when narratives driven by ideology & politics seemed confined to a small handful of RPGs. Three years later, the landscape of political thriller games had evolved (highlit by Deus Ex's Y2K release) and game tech had marched dramatically forward. Once again, MGS2 pushed the envelope with a postmodern story taking aim both at the digital post-truth society cresting the horizon and at the juvenile, media-illiterate hero worship in its own fanbase. Going into MGS3, I was excited to see how the series would once again evolve with another three years under its belt. The answer surprised me - and in some ways, slightly disappointed.

Snake Eater's central theme is disguise, and it permeates every element of the game. Disguising one's self (either as the environment or, more rarely, as other individuals) is one of the major new core elements. The Cold War setting is used to blend historical fact & fiction, disguising them as one another and drawing them into ambiguous hyperreality. And its plot is mired in deceptions and double-crosses, with no character's allegiance and motivations escaping suspicion. Broadly, it's all very effective. Each individual element has its ups and down, though. The disguise mechanics, at their best, are exceptionally effective and engaging; at their worst, they encourage a lot of uninteresting menu navigation to keep Number Big. The blending of fact and fiction tends to land as "distinguishably real or fictional" rather than "genuinely ambiguous in veracity," but it's still fun both ways. The plot is perhaps the most consistently effective with how consistently well it integrates disguise - while few betrayals came out of the blue, no leading character's motivations were immediately easy to draw apart.

This ultimately tracks with MGS2's musings on truth in the digital age - the ambiguity between signal and noise. However, if MGS3 evolves or iterates on those ideas, it's hard to tease out. (Is this a commentary on how fiction has distorted our societal understanding of our past...?) Really, Snake Eater feels ideologically behind MGS2 - which may be less of a mark against 3 and more of a testament to 2. I think it's unfair to demand artists top themselves with every piece - that every piece of art must be More than the last - but it's undeniably disappointing that MGS3's ambitions didn't extend in the same directions as the previous two entries.

A few unrelated thoughts:
- The Boss is a great character and I wish the One Good Female MGS Character didn't need to have anything fertility-related to her character. (It's not like it goes full Other M, at least.)
- The continued association between queer identities and villainy/sadism/etc in the MGS series (Vamp, Volgin) sucks. Frankly, it was funny with Vamp, but I'm not laughing anymore.
- save the theme song, the music is fine but pretty forgettable
- it is very hard to not read Snake as autistic w/ guns as a special interest, and I love that

It's perhaps a condemnation of this series that this is only among the worst-written BN games. Where previous games explored ways a near-future society could look and the cast of kids had fun interactions building narrative arcs, BN6 is just full shonen nonsense. Its writing rarely demonstrates any of the care or joy that I'm certain went into it, unlike the time-crunch panic constantly evident in its creative decisions. The story is an unrewarding slog and the side-content is actively nothing.

And yet, the fight mechanics are better than they've ever been. It reminds me of Quake II, actually - another game whose singleplayer experience was poor but kicked ass as a multiplayer game. Quake II was creatively barren where BN6 is rife with legitimately interesting ideas (Copybots! Playing as other Navis! alright that's it) that get maybe 30% of the way there. But they're both damn fun to play with others! Nearly two decades later and BN6 still has a competitive scene - one that survived the colossal lull where Capcom barely acknowledged the spinoff series' existence.

I can't recommend playing this unless you're a BN series diehard (in which case, you probably already have) or you're a sweaty tryhard with one or more friends playing alongside you and NetBattling you at every turn. Narratively, it's disappointing the series went out with a whimper - but the sterling fight mechanics keeping the MMBN legacy alive makes this a bittersweet entry.

Played on MMBN Legacy Collection live on [The Neon Caster's channel]

There's something inexplicably compelling about Brain Age. I think it has to be the presentation, for better and worse. The charming drawings and Dr. Kawashima's reserved quirkiness add life & personality. However, the academic framing gives the busywork an unearned air of legitimacy. Excelling at Brain Age's tasks satisfies in the same ways scholastic success can, which, frankly, sucks considering how academically valueless Brain Age's "training" is.

Another competently-executed web-based "puzzle" game. It gets a very slight edge on some of its contemporaries for the ways it can inspire thinking about other games, mainly in comparing art styles and reflecting on why you know that one dirt texture by heart. Still almost entirely in the time-waster category; any meaningful reflection will be vastly overshadowed by time spent guessing.

Another puzzle game that, in small doses, tickles the reptile-brain, and in large doses, feels like a waste of time. You could've been experiencing a bit of art, or learning something new, and instead you did this. It's fine.

A perfectly passable time-waster for those with too much Pokemon brainrot. The fun part (maximizing your Uniqueness score by selecting options you think players won't choose) comes second to the Other Part (desperately trying to remember which friendship-evolving mon can learn Shadow Ball). Not worth sinking any meaningful time into.

Sunbreak refines Rise's mechanics with some nice quality-of-life improvements, and swapping out Anime Feudal Japan for Anime Western Fantasy is a nice change-up. There's a bit more emphasis and effort put into the writing, which makes it disappointing that it ultimately takes no risks. Also disappointing that all of the new, interesting mechanics are basically all superfluous because of how damn easy the game is. Still, the monster designs are broadly fantastic, the new areas are fun to explore, and the slight extra emphasis on environmental interactions is sorely appreciated.

Nice presentation only goes so far when the core puzzle mechanic boils down to comparing numbers. (And not the kind of cause-and-effect comparisons in Minesweeper-esque puzzle games like Tametsi.) Maybe the harder puzzles require logic or more intense thought - I only made it to Level 10 of Easy, as there are tons of puzzles and no way to skip ahead in difficulty. Anyone looking for a low-challenge puzzle game that still has a pretense of pressure could do worse than this, especially for things easy to emulate on phones & play with two thumbs.

A cute & short 3D platformer with a simple, decently-explored central mechanic. Its level design generally mitigates the inherently finicky nature of judging trajectory. I didn't find it compelling enough to 100%, but I enjoyed my time with it, and definitely appreciated the attention to two charismatic endangered species.

Great aesthetics, fun character writing, and a predictable but inoffensive plot - at least, from what I saw. I dropped it partway into Chapter 4 as it was just too tedious.

Wading through all the available options each turn to figure out the correct move - and there is almost always a correct move - isn't especially engaging. That's mostly because the correct move often boils down to a purely defensive play, which doesn't progress the game state at all and boils down to "see if next turn's dice draft is more advantageous." Attempts to vary this formula don't go far enough, and by the end of the third chapter (of six!), I felt like I'd seen more than enough of what the game had to offer.

If I stopped right before a huge twist that invalidates everything I had to say, please let me know - I want to like this game. I really like the Aether Team, and this game's core mechanic is clever. Maybe this is the fate of a game borne out of a celebrated game jam entry - a strong start that peters out far too early, unable to stretch its progenitor's excitement into a full game.

A mess of a trilogy closer, downgraded on every front from its progenitors, unable to meet its high ambitions. It's not without merit, but it's extremely hit or miss. Its approach to chronologically ambiguous storytelling is maybe its only unmarred highlight. Its character beats, puzzles, and twists (of which there are many) peak at "not as well done in the previous two games" and bottom out unfathomably low.

Its attempt to tell a much more harrowing tale than the previous two games is seriously undercut by its mawkish writing, awkward character animations, and stiff voice acting (which reeks of poor direction, not a slight on the VA's talent). Because of these, it often ends up as a farce - comic when it grasps for tragedy, and something to laugh at when it asks the player to laugh with it.

I held hope that Zero Time Dilemma would reward enduring until the end. I wanted to know how ZTD would try to justify the time spent playing it. Unfortunately, that desire was left unfulfilled. No puzzle left a deep, lasting sense of satisfaction. No character development or plot arc gave any kind of meaningful insight. No twist or mystery electrified my mind racing with excitement or fascination. All that it left was a beleaguered shrug of exhaustion: "Well, I guess that happened."

Life is simply unfair, don't you think?

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High-effort interactive creepypasta that's clearly (and unashamedly) very inspired by House of Leaves. The packaged writing is unimpressive & uninspired, and its tricks are a bit spoiled if you're aware of other things that use invisible, subtle warps to create the illusion of paradoxical geometry. I don't want to be overly harsh - it's a fun way to spend half an hour, well worth a spin for those intrigued.