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The way people talked about this game I was half expecting the next Journey!

Yeah... It's not Journey. I know everyone wants the next Edith Finch when it comes to these walking sim style games. This just isn't it. Not for me at least.

You play as a young musician struggling to find his own sound. Buried in the shadow his uncle who was a famous folk artist. At times it feels like the character is finding himself, abandoning expectations, and learning not to care what others think. Unfortunately the majority of the game just feels like nonsense all slapped together as an excuse to show of crazy visuals and wild art. Seriously, don't try to make much sense of what's going on. The art is really good though. It's impossible to play this game without having a "wow look at that" moment along the way.

These style of games aren't really my thing, but I respect it for what it is. I always say these are less games and more experiences. It doesn't overstay it's welcome, which for someone like me is a great thing. I was starting to itch for some gameplay.